The war in Gaza affects us deeply, and we can feel powerless in the face of such horror. However, there are ways for everyone to help online. I’ll try to summarize them on this page in the hope that it will be of use to you. And if you want me to share your initiatives, let me know !

Many organizations are currently working with the people of Gaza to respond to the various emergencies on the ground. Here are some of them:
UN Crisis Relief :
MAP (Medical Aid for Palestinians) :
Palestine Children’s Relief Fund :
Another way to help financially : How to buy e-sims to send to people in Gaza to circumvent the internet blackout
Pour les francophones, Médecins du Monde : ou encore l’association France Palestine Solidarité :
If you can’t afford to make a donation, you can join the Boycott campaign organized by BDS
The Chrome extension PalestinePact blurs out the products of brands on the BDS boycott list.

A campaign to boycott Artforum is also being organized for the following reasons:

Amnesty International has launched a petition to demand a ceasefire by all parties in the region, to end civilian bloodshed and allow humanitarian aid to be organized.
You can sign it here
Spread the word
The dehumanization of the Palestinian population is part of the Israeli government’s war propaganda. We can counter this by relaying the stories and experiences from Gaza. These messages must not be forgotten.
The Dyke Project collective hacked over 100 London bus ads and replaced them with Palestinian stories published on Queering The Map.
Si vous êtes en France et que vous participez à des manifestations interdites (le pouvoir préfère autoriser celles des néo-nazis), le Collectif Action Judiciaire a mis en place un kit pour contester les 135 euros d’amende.